1980s Colour Series
The first colour series of the Astro Boy cartoon aired in the 1980s. It originally consisted of 52 episodes, but the episode Astro Boy vs. Atlas was cut from the English version. While no other significant change was made from the Japanese version to the English version, the Canadian version was very different, four to five minutes having been cut from each episode.
Episode List
Translated Episode Name | Japanese Episode Name | Original Air Date |
1. The Birth of Astro Boy | アトム誕生 | October 1, 1980 |
2. Astro Boy vs. Atlas | アトム対アトラス | October 8, 1980 |
3. Robot Circus | ロボットサーカス | October 15, 1980 |
4. Saving Our Classmate | 私たちの同級生を保存 | October 22, 1980 |
5. Astro Boy vs. Atlas II: The Resurrection of Atlas | アトム対アトラス・2 アトラス復活 | October 22, 1980 |
6. Robot Island | ロボットランド | November 5, 1980 |
7. Frankenstein | フランケンシュタイン | November 12, 1980 |
8. Red Cat | 赤いネコ | November 19, 1980 |
9. Astro Boy vs. Atlas III: Crystal of the Desert | アトム対アトラス・3 砂漠のクリスタル | November 26, 1980 |
10. The Vehicle, White Planet | 白い惑星号 | December 3, 1980 |
11. The Robot President | ロボット大統領 | December 10, 1980 |
12. Damdam's Neck | ダムダムの首 | December 17, 1980 |
13. Lightning Man | 電光人間 | December 24, 1980 |
14. Tomboy Uran | ウランはおてんば娘 | January 7, 1981 |
15. Robio and Robiet | ロビオとロビエット | January 14, 1981 |
16. Adventure on Mars | 火星隊長 | January 21, 1981 |
17. SOS on the Space Shuttle | スペースシャトルSOS | January 28, 1981 |
18. Astro Boy vs. Atlas IV: The Menacing Comet | アトム対アトラス・4 恐怖のすい星 | February 4, 1981 |
19. The Devil's Balloon | 悪魔の風船 | February 11, 1981 |
20. Pook in Cruciform Island | 十字架島のプーク | February 18, 1981 |
21. The Fool Ivan | イワンのバカ | February 25, 1981 |
22. The Robot Who Lied | うそつきロボット | March 4, 1981 |
23. The Girl from Alsore | アルソアから来た少女 | March 11, 1981 |
24. The Biggest Robot on Earth Pt 1 | 地上最大のロボット・前編 | March 18, 1981 |
25. The Biggest Robot on Earth Pt 2 | 地上最大のロボット・後編 | March 25, 1981 |
26. Astro Boy vs. Atlas V: The Violent Gang Gadem | アトム対アトラス・5 暴走族ガデム | April 1, 1981 |
27. Major Operations by Black Jack | ブラックジャックの大作戦 | April 8, 1981 |
28. The Great Adventure of Little Robot Sam | ちびロボサムの大冒険 | April 29, 1981 |
29. Astro Boy vs. Atlas VI: The King of the Ice | アトム対アトラス・6 氷の中の帝王 | May 6, 1981 |
30. Uran and Uran | ウランちゃんとウランちゃん | May 13, 1981 |
31. Dash in a Storm | 嵐の中を突っ走れ! | June 3, 1981 |
32. Cleopatra's Mystery | クレオパトラの謎 | June 17, 1981 |
33. Astro Boy vs. Atlas VII: The Runaway Subway | アトム対アトラス・7 地下鉄大暴走 | July 1, 1981 |
34. The Little Elephant Pura | 子象プーラ | July 8, 1981 |
35. The Secret of Bee Island | ミツバチ島の秘密 | July 15, 1981 |
36. The Monster of Kuraken | クラーケンの怪物 | July 22, 1981 |
37. Rumy in Pochom-pochom Island | ポチョムポチョム島のルミー | August 5, 1981 |
38. Astro Boy vs. Atlas VIII: The Destruction of the Satellite & the Proton Gun | アトム対アトラス・8 衛星破壊!プロトン砲 | August 19, 1981 |
39. The Stolen Sun | 盗まれた太陽 | September 2, 1981 |
40. Black Looks | ブラックルックス | September 16, 1981 |
41. The Devil Garon | 魔神ガロン | September 23, 1981 |
42. Hurry, You Three Second-Rate Knights! | 進め!ガラクタ三銃士 | October 14, 1981 |
43. Astro Boy vs. Atlas IX: Atlas Forever | アトム対アトラス・9 アトラスよ永遠に | October 21, 1981 |
44. Space Leopard | 宇宙ヒョウ | October 28, 1981 |
45. Uran's God | ウランちゃんの神様 | November 4, 1981 |
46. Space Airport R45 | 宇宙空港R-45 | November 11, 1981 |
47. Spaceship in Imminent Danger | 飛行船 危機一髪! | November 18, 1981 |
48. Jinmen Iwa | 人面岩 | November 25, 1981 |
49. Uran Loves Hit Men | ウランは殺し屋が好き | December 2, 1981 |
50. The Devil's Place in Ordin | オーディンの大魔境 | December 9, 1981 |
51. Rage of the Sphinx | スフインクスの怒り | December 16, 1981 |
52. Astro Boy's First Love | アトムの初恋 | December 23, 1981 |